In the early 1990s, Scott Williams and Bobbi Ballas decided to take their small florist shop onto the world stage by developing an international floral delivery market. The company would be known as Petals Network. Combining their marketing, technological and florist skills, they built a real-time, online order clearinghouse for flowers, available worldwide for the sending, receiving and tracking of floral gift orders.
Since that day Petals has grown to become an award winning business.Fostered on the concept of fair trading and quality service, Petals has grown to be one of the largest relay services in New Zealand. Petals has expanded overseas, and now has a number of successful networks in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Petals has built a network of over 1600 florists, and has a network of over 20000 affiliated florists worldwide.
In 2011, an affiliate of Teleflora USA, the world’s leading floral relay service announced it had purchased Petals Network. Still operating as Petals Network Pty Ltd, Teleflora USA began overseeing the operations of both the network and Petals Headquaters in Armidale, NSW, Australia. Petals and Teleflora USA share many similar interests, views and approaches toward the floral relay industry. With the support of Teleflora USA, Petals will continue to grow and provide our florists and customers with exceptional service.